Collecting for Revisionary Taxonomy and Phylogenomics

I spent much of my early twenties collecting for two large phylogeomics revisions. These were the days when many had doubts about the quality and quantity of DNA which could be extracted from older herbarium samples!

Much of my collecting was for a revision of Onagraceae tribe Onagreae. This project was led by Krissa Skogen (now at Clemson), with Norman Wickett (Clemson) leading the phylogenomics, and Jeremie Fant (Chicago Botanic Garden) leading population genomics; other investigators include the emperor of Oenothera Warren Wagner (Smithsonian) whom verified all of the specimens, and several others.

A set of all of these materials reside at the Smithsonian. Unfortunately no one cared about the Gayophytum, which I spend considerable amounts of time collecting!!!

These materials were collected to support projects being undertaken by researchers (Krissa Skogen, Norm Wickett, Jeremie Fant) ONAGRACEAE …

Perennial Endemic North American Apioids in the Apiaceae Family (James Smith, Don Mansfield, Mary Ann Feist, Stephen Downie)