about me

I have worked as a field botanist in Western North America since graduating from the Evergreen State College in 2014. Most of my experience is in semi-arid, and arid land administered by the Bureau of Land Management. Although I have worked professionally from roughly 3 to ~ 13,000+ feet. I received my Masters in Plant Biology and Conservation from Northwestern University and the Chicago Botanic Garden and was advised by Jeremie Fant.

If you are looking for work as a field botanist in western north america, please reach out. I almost certainly have friends currently looking for employees.

I have a broad range of academic interests. I am largely interested in the revisionary systematics and taxonomy of clades of species endemic to Western North America, and am always happy to collaborate as a field collector for phylogenomic projects. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you are interested in acquiring plant material, I may be in an area where I can assist. I was a prolific collector for the recent revisions of Onagraceae tribe Onagreae, and for upcoming work on the Perennial Endemic North American Apioid Clade (Apiaceae).

Conservation genetics and genomics fascinate me, especially inferring historic gene flow across landscapes. As you can imagine, I am fascinated with the relationships of populations in clades which have recently radiated concomitant to the aridification of the West.

I am also largely interested in how computers can make our lives easier, and assist in conservation endeavors. For this I code extensively in the statistical programming language R, as well as Python, Bash, and use styling elements from Latex, HTML, CSS.